
Disney Family Fun (1-year) [Magazine Subscription]

What does family fun mean to you? Crafts? Recipes? Party ideas? Travel tips? FamilyFun magazine dishes up these and more boredom-defying activities in over 180 splashy, colorful pages. Geared toward parents with young children, this energetic magazine promises to enrich the lives of families. Offering a "we've been there, we know" sort of comfort to parents, folksy first-person articles let parents know they're not alone. A sense of community is expanded further in the "My Great Idea" section--culled from readers' letters--that suggests kid-tested ideas for everything from summer games to rainy-day projects. Homeschoolers will find plenty to ponder as well--a winter issue, for example, describes how a snowflake takes shape, then suggests a paper snowflake-making project. Reviews of digital games, books, videos, and DVDs, written by industry experts, help parents feel up to the minute. FamilyFun is positively inspirational to parents who want to shake up the routine and keep the magic in a family

Disney Family Fun  magazine is worth every cent. Tons of games and craft ideas that are super cheap and lots of fun. There isn't an article or idea that I skip. I have had a hard time with finding magazines that fit in my lifestyle lately.

Good Housekeeping (2-year) [Magazine Subscription]

 Product Description

Good Housekeeping magazine?together with the Good Housekeeping Institute and the Good Housekeeping Seal?is an American icon of consumer protection and quality assurance. Every issue delivers a unique mix of independent investigation and trusted reporting, along with inspirational and personal stories. The magazine's rich tradition embodies a commitment to the modern home and to a woman's quality of life.
Of all the magazines, this one has the best layout.
Whether you are looking for the latest news on your favorite star or are looking for a new recipe...this magazine has it all.
You know how many magazines say: "Oh, we are going to tell you about...." And five minutes later, you are still looking for "that" article. Well, in this magazine they have a great Contents page with a special: "On the Cover" section. So, if you want to read about Nicole Kidman she is on page 110! OK, that was in the November 2001 issue and it is quite a sad article. What ever happened to the fairy tale? I just don't know...
Now, if you love reading about other people who are making the news, the People section always has something fun to read about. Fashion and beauty gives ideas on the latest nail color or makeup tips. The articles on relationships are interesting.
This magazine also has sections for: Health & Well Being, Consumer Sense, The Better Way, Food & Home, Fiction, Departments and Columns. The TECH section is always of interest. There is a definite focus on women, as in: "The Best Cell Phones for Women." Plus, this is where you can find Heloise giving out the newest Household Tips.
My favorite page is the looks, trends, and news page where they always give you ideas for holidays or feature beauty products like Pumpkin Pie body wash in November. The recipes are often multicultural and you can find anything from Lebkuchen to Pavlova with Passion Fruit Sorbet.
In my top 10 of favorite magazines!